Early Brain Development Matters. 

Anything That Changes Your Brain, Changes Who You Will Be


An Open Invitation To Parents, with School-going Children, Who Desires To Make Their Children’s Academic Path Smoother and Life Even Better!

Super Student Brain Mastery Seminar

Yes, I’d like to attend with my primary-school-going child.

Call To Enquire For More Details At +65-96837067!

From the Co-Founders of BrainXpansion Pte Ltd

If you’re a parent, or even a grandparent, or know someone with school-going children; and are now facing increasing pressure from school work and a demanding syllabus… we have an important message for you:

If you choose to improve and accelerate the developmental trajectories of your child, early brain development, using proven techniques that develop both the analytical left brain and the intuitive right brain, will definitely make a huge difference throughout his or her life.

Would you consider early brain development to be an important part of your child’s growth and nurture? If your answer is “Yes”, you should read on for more information of our Super Student Brain Mastery Seminar conducted by Eran Katz. You and your child would want to learn from the Super Brain Master who is an international best selling author of 9 books (and they were translated in 17 languages) that also holds the  Guinness Book of Records title for Best Memory Stunt.


With Early Brain Development,

You Are Empowering Your Child With the Ability

To Make Sweet Lemonade

From Any Sour Lemons Thrown Their Way!


We know with certainty that you are committed to support your child to lead a fulfilled and happy life… in school and in life. Right now, with your child progressing from pre-school to primary school, or from lower primary to upper primary level, you are highly concerned that your child be equipped to sail through the exciting, yet challenging education journey and emerge in triumph.

We understand, because we too are parents.

We totally understand your concerns, your anxiety and your constant search for solutions that can aid your child to lead a happy and fun-filled school life. Brain development is one gift you can give to your child, and indeed it will absolutely last forever.  This is why scientists advocate parents to start nurturing their children from birth as more than 1 million new neural connections form every second in the first few years of life (Ref: Harvard University). The speed of information, absorption and retention also accelerates between 4 and 7 years old. Essentially, the basic architecture of the brain is constructed through a process that begins early in life and continues into adulthood.

One question we often get asked is this:” Can you really make my child more intelligent in one seminar?”. Well, we certainly  can show you how you, and your child, can increase your brain capacity. When you can do that, all the rest comes easy. Let us illustrate this with a simple analogy: If we attempt to pour a jug of water into a cup, the water will overflow. The cup is too small to hold the volume of water which the jug contains. Yet, a large basin can easily hold all the water from the jug easily. It is the same for your brain, and your child’s brain. When we train your child’s brain with tested and proven whole brain techniques, your child’s brain capacity will certainly and absolutely ne expanded. The seminar is just a start, not the end of a brain development journey. 

Train Your Child’s Brain From Young –

More Than 1 Million New Neural Connections Form Every Second

In the First Few Years 

We understand if you are doubtful and even sceptical that brain development works on primary school level children. Yet, we have seen how brain training is making an impact in even younger children. Our 5-year student’s mother, Mrs Liau, had this to share:

It’s not easy trying to teach a 5-year old to focus and concentrate and this program definitely triggered something in her and helped … I do feel that the exercise helped train her to think out of the box and increase her ability to find solutions independently

Mrs Liau further added: ” …. Most visible in how she thinks and find ways to solve her own play problems or get herself out of everyday trouble at home. One example was I gave a dollar each to Leanne and her sister and the ride she wanted required $2 and I refused to give anymore. She found the solution by convincing her sister combine to make $2 and both can share a ride.”

So early brain development matters. A powerful brain leads to a powerful life.

Now, we don’t promise it will be EASY though … but it certainly can be done.

As parents, you can learn the fundamentals from the best in this 4-hour seminar with your child and apply them in a systematic fashion for yourself and to support your child.

For the child, he/she would actually pick up techniques that he/she can apply in school and life after the 4-hour session.

Yes, we assure you, what Eran and us are going to teach in 4-hours will be good enough to give your child a head start in gaining better focus, seeing things from a new perspective, achieving a good understanding how he/she can absorb easier, retain better and recall faster. On top of that, his/her learning attitude may change for the better. Madam Sunny Hwang testified that it only took ONE seminar to change her 10-years old daughter’s learning attitude:

“… [The seminar] was worth it ….Amazing thing is she actually change her attitude towards her study ever since.”

If you had read the WhatsApp testimony between Sunny Hwang and our team member, wouldn’t you like your primary school child able to do that? It takes more than just memory work, it is a complete art and science of focus, absorption, retention and recall. This is just one example how a primary school student benefited from our 4-hour seminar.  Our 4-hour program may be intensive yet it is also comprehensive and fun filled to help primary school students to learn easier, recall better, and overall to develop a more powerful brain.

Your Child Will Definitely Learn Faster and Find Study More Fun

After Our Super Student Brain Mastery Seminar because

What We Teach Helps To:

Foster Longer Focus and Concentration Span

Increase Ability & Capacity to Absorb, Retain and Recall information

Forms Connection Between Ideas

Improved Ability to be Creative yet Analytical

Read better and faster

Whole Brain Training is Much More Balanced and Complete

This seminar focuses on both the Left Brain and the Right Brain development. We believe a whole brain approach will provide us with a balanced outlook in life. It’s just like our eyes, ears, hands, legs, lungs and kidneys, we function optimally because both are working fine, right?

The Right Brain (the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex) is responsible for control of the left side of the body, and is the more artistic and creative side of the brain. The Left Brain is responsible for control of the right side of the body, and is the more academic and logical side of the brain. While there are two sides to the brain, it is, in essence, a single organ. This is why it is important to train both the Left and Right Brain with equal intensity.

We can maximise the power of our brains when we can fully synchronise and activate the whole brain. This ensures that not only will students have the skills to perform better, they will have the right attitudes and the right exercises to improve creativity, innovation, and problem solving.

Did you know that almost 22% of Nobel Prize Winners are Jewish?

What Creates A Winner?

The Jewish people comprises only 0.2% of the World population. Yet there are more Nobel Prize Winners amongst the Jews (Ref: Wikipedia). Did you know that some of the most advanced countries in the world has NEVER had a Nobel Prize Winner? What is the secret of the Jewish People?

Stronger & Optimal Brain Power is the Key To Success

Our brain is like the operating system within a computer. If your operating system is not regularly updated and primed, no matter how you increase your RAM or load the latest software, nothing works. For things to change, you have to start with your priceless asset first – the BRAIN. This is why we kept reiterating that early brain development matters, and a powerful brain leads to a powerful life.

We Aim For Results that Can Be Measured and 

Transformation That Lasts A Lifetime

The results can be measured because you will see the difference with your own eyes when we do one of the exercises with you, and you can observe the speed of understanding and problem solving skills of your child when he/she steadily practise what we taught. You have read the 2 testimonies of 2 parents earlier, your child may embark on the same journey too.

This seminar seeks to guide young students on the path towards improving their overall brain power. You will be introduced to tools to help improve focus, exercises to stimulate the Left and Right Brain, methods for better memory,  and most importantly, allow your brain to work better.

Empowering Your Child With Brain Mastery’s 4 Pedagogy Pillars

What Your Child Will Learn & Benefit:

Brain Mastery Perspectives – See how powerful your brain can become when you learn to see from many different angles and perspectives. Only when you are able to see from a new light would possibilities, options and eventually solutions surface to resolve all challenges and problems. Children tend to see things from a limited perspective and that might prompt them to say “I don’t know” or “It’s too difficult” too quickly, without giving themselves or their brains a chance to prove that they can perform wonders. When they realise that there is more than meets the eyes, they will be emboldened to explore further and deeper, and that’s where excellence lies

Brain Mastery Focus – New tools that will help you, and your child, to develop, and also, to measure your ability to stay focused. Only when you learn how to stay completely, 100%,  focused for a short span of time would you be able to do it over a longer period.  Only when your child knows how to focus properly will he/she succeed in concentrating adequately. When there’s focus and concentration, you can be absolutely sure that information absorption, retention and recall will grow exponentially for your child. Children are distracted easily. When they can focus, they will find learning easier and more fun.

Brain Mastery Motion – Finger exercises not only stimulate both left and right brain to work in tandem, these unique finger movement improve the communication between the brain and the body such that your child’s motor skills will improve tremendously. On top of that, these series of exercise also hone the brain to speed up at reading. When you child can read faster, he can absorb information faster. Only when your child’s left and right brains are stimulated, co-ordinate and activated will his/her mind and body be awesome partners to each other. Definitely, there will be less learning struggles and frustration for children who might believe that physical games and sports are beyond them. When your child’s right brain can perform at optimal speed with the left brain, they will find it easier to align all the dots, forming connections between ideas and executions.

Brain Mastery Citadel – Advanced memory techniques and methods that are hand picked to empower primary school students. These techniques can be used on a daily basis to remember important information for school and for life. Only when your child can recall information at will would the information he/she acquire and store in his/her brain be useful and beneficial. Definitely, your child will not have to  face the “study yet forget” scenario that’s so heart wrenching for parents to see. With memory techniques, complicated and complex formulas, processes and facts in Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and even English will be made easier. 

Brain Mastery Brain Styles – Why use only one sense when you can double or triple your intellectual performance by using multiple senses? Discover the power of leveraging multiple brain styles to improve your brain power.

Noble Prize Mind and the Genius inside of You – Uncover your hidden ingenuity and know that you have it in you. Eran conducts a powerful drawing exercise to prove that you can actually draw like Da Vinci. YOU have the same potential!

Brain Balance and the Intelligence of Success
Learning from Churchill – Changing Our Thoughts on Success. The Map to the Top – What’s really important in life and how to achieve the balance that will enable our brain to function best.

The ‘Wandering Mouse’ effect. Active stimulation of the brain using ancient techniques to boost efficiency. Learn the tricks to maintaining maximum brain performance.

Learn From The Best in Brain & Memory Development

Learn From ERAN KATZ

Who Is Flying Into Singapore for a 1-Day Seminar in NOVEMBER of 2019

Those who know Eran would know that he loves children. And he took it upon himself to make it his mission to embolden and empower children.

You see, Eran was deemed as a CMI or “Cannot-Make-It” child when he was young as his academic results were below average. So this saddened yet not disheartened little boy of 8 started to train his brain on his own. At 7 years old, he wrote that he aspired to “make books” when he is older – see photo on the left. Well, the CMI kid is now an author to 8 international best selling books and even Singapore’s National Libraries house his books. Eran has been lecturing in Singapore  since 2011. Almost without fail, there would be a “Super Student Success Seminar” catered to school-going children.

Next year, in November 2019, Eran is bringing his exciting whole brain development program to Singapore once again.

Super Student Brain Mastery Seminar 

Why You & Your Child Must Attend Together

1. By being present, you are showing your child a few things: He/She is important and you are there for him/her and ever supportive of his/her academic excellence, and that this seminar is important. Your presence will compel your child to be more appreciative of you and the lessons that he/she will be receiving. 

2. You are able reinforce or give reminder of what he/she had learned once you are at home, and you know with certainty that you are doing the reinforcement correctly. Even if your child has the discipline and tenacity to practice what he/she has learned, a reminder here and a compliment there when he/she deserves it would propel your child to progress happier if not faster.

3. You would want to be sure that your child learn from the right brain development master, yes?. Every brain development school is good, yet is the curriculum or are the teachers a good fit to your child? When you have a first hand experience, you would have the certainty if you should train your child’s brain further – whether on your own or with us.

4. Eran understood the frustration of studying and yet not getting the desired result. His teacher deemed him as a “Cannot-Make-It” kid. A determined Eran decided to learn, on his own, how to develop a stronger brain power and expanded his brain capacity so much that learning and studying become a joy. He was only 8 years old.  A year earler, at age 7, he wrote that he intended to “make book” when he is old. Eran is the living proof that his methodology and techniques work, and he lives his dream as a international best selling author now. You may use Eran as an example to inspire and motivate your child. With your child seeing Eran LIVE, he/she will know from his/her experience that you are telling the truth.

5. You set a good example that learning is a lifelong practice, and when you encourage him to work hard, you are not merely nagging, you really believe that the only way to a better future is to keep learning.

Introducing Eran Katz

Very briefly,  Eran Katz is a best-selling international author, entertaining speaker and uniquely qualified master on Intelligence and Memory. He is instrumental in the creation of the Brain Mastery Seminar and Programs.

      • Best Selling International Author

Eran Katz is the best-selling international author of “Secrets of a Super Memory”, “Jerome Becomes a Genius”, “Where did Noah Park the Ark” and “Five Gifts for the Mind”. In Singapore, “Where did Noah Park the Ark” was also listed in the best-selling non-fiction list in Kinokuniya, Times and Popular when it was launched in 2011.  The ‘Five Gifts for the Mind’, published in 2014 was the number #1 on the Israeli best sellers list and official best seller in South Korea.  His books, including 9 international best-sellers, have sold more than 500,000 copies worldwide; translated to 17 languages and won literary prizes. The Singapore National Library also carries Eran’s “Where did Noah Park the Ark” . His latest book was presented to Royal Crown Princess of Thailand in June 2017 when Eran last visited the country

      • Guinness Book of Records Holder

On top of that, he is also the Israeli Guinness Book of Records Holder for Best Memory Stunt where he recited 500 numbers forward and backwards after hearing them only once. This is one impressive technique that not many memory masters can challenge Eran.

      • Recognized Authority in Brain & Intelligence

Eran is a board member of The International Brain Education Association (IBREA) and is often invited to share his insights on brain and intelligence at conferences and seminars. This is why many governments have invited Eran to speak to their police, military and intelligence bodies.

      • International Trainer and Platform Speaker

Eran Katz has also established himself in training where he has held more than 2000 lectures with more than 250,000 people benefiting from his  teaching. Other than students in the junior and high schools, he also speaks at The Korean Brain Institute, United Nations Brain Education Convention, Microsoft, General Electric, Coca-Cola, Avis, Singapore Government, NTUC,  and many more.


From Accomplished Academicians, Politicians & Corporate Top Guns 


Hong-Ryul Lee, Director, World Science Forum

Dear Mr. Eran Katz,

We would like to convey our deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation for your valuable contribution as an invited speaker to World Science Forum 2008 Seoul held in Seoul, Korea, from April 28 to 30, 2008.

We are pleased to inform you that there were over 2,842 participants at our Forum. The response from our audience was overwhelmingly positive, and there are even some students who have written to us saying that they have decided to study neuroscience as their major after listening to your lecture.

The Forum could not have succeeded without your commitment, and again, we thank you very much for your active participation and positive support which made the Congress a more rewarding and fruitful event for our participants.

As you may well know, World Science Forum will be held annually in Korea to bring special science closer to the general public. We would greatly appreciate it if you give us your valuable advice and suggestion for the growth of the Forum in future.

We look forward to further opportunities to meet you in near future and in the meantime, we wish you all the best.

Hong-Ryul Lee
Director, World Science Forum
Director, Coverage Division News Center, YTN

Liad Or, Chairperson, Tel Aviv University Student Association

“Voted most popular and beloved workshop by our students for the past three years”

Mariano. A. Davis, CEO, Oxford School of Languages

“Eran is a magician, spreading his practical magic to students. Students attending his workshops become optimistic and inspired that success is at the reach of their hands”

Kanthati Suphamongkon, 39th Foreign Minister of Thailand

“Eran’s books and methods are necessary for anyone who wishes to reach high levels of Success”

Bill Schultz, CEO, Coca-Cola Co., South Pacific Asia

“Your seminar was a wonderful combination of entertainment and valuable efficient methods”

Many Parents Attended Our Seminar With Their Children,

Wouldn’t You Support Your Child Too?

The above photo was taken when we last held the sold-out Seminar at Singapore Management University(SMU). We had many parents attending with their children, whether they are in Primary 1 or Primary 6. See how attentive our parents and children were, regardless of their age and gender.

Be There At Super Student Brain Mastery Seminar in November 2019
at <Venue To Be Announced>

In 4 short hours, you will definitely have a good idea how we stimulate, enhance and develop pre-schoolers and primary school students in these areas:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Analytical and Logical Thinking
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Information Absorption
  • Memory Retention and Recall
  • Learning Speed
  • Reading Speed
  • Precision and Clarity in Verbal Expression
  • Spatial Awareness
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Self Confidence
  • Social & Interpersonal Skills

It is just 4 hours yet you may just change the academic results and pave a smoother life path for your children. 

In one session, you will understand why we keep reiterating a powerful brain leads to a powerful life. You will see how creative thinking and logical analysing play important roles leading to problem solvingwhether in school or life.

In one seating, you would have proven to your child that you care enough to learn together with him, and your child will witness a “Cannot-Make-It” kid became an international best selling author who is also a Guinness Book of Records holder that make a difference to lots of other children by teaching what he knows best. When you next use Eran as an example, he/she knows you are telling the truth. Your words will be credible, and whatever you say next are just truth to your child.

The possibilities are aplenty when you attend our seminar with your child/children.

Anything That Changes Your Brain, Changes Who You Will Be.

A PowerFul Brain. A Powerful Life.