Why Send Your Child to Brain Mastery Programs

Because you (and us) know, with certainty, that traditional learning and teaching alone is not enough to prepare your child adequately for academic excellence and serve them throughout their life. Anything that changes your brain, changes who you will be.

Early brain development matters. A powerful brain leads to a powerful life.

At BrainXpansion, we strengthen and enhance our participants with whole brain development, that is, leveraging on both Left brain and Right brain development. Your child will demonstrate an improvement in these areas:

  • Focus and Concentration
  • Creative Thinking
  • Analytical and Logical Thinking
  • Complex Problem Solving Skills
  • Information Absorption
  • Memory Retention and Recall
  • Learning Speed
  • Reading Speed
  • Precision and Clarity in Verbal Expression
  • Spatial Awareness
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Self Confidence
  • Social & Interpersonal Skills

We aim for results that can be measured and transformation that will last them for a lifetime.  That is why we advocate that when you have a powerful brain, you can have a powerful life.

BrainXpansion Pte Ltd was established by a team of founders who have an immense and growing interest in improving brain power for all ages.

With increasing demands from work and personal responsibilities, many people have realized that the brain tires easily, and information received are either are not stored properly or could not be retrieved when required. We want to share with everyone that this has everything to do with our focus, concentration, memory, brain power and the way our brain is exercised (or not).

Brain Mastery Programs comprises a series of programs that are suitable for pre-schoolers and school-going students. Our pedagogy is in stimulating, developing and enhancing both the analytical left and intuitive right brain to empower our students to harness the power of the whole brain to be analytical and yet creative, definitely be able to transcend learning barriers and be happier with less stress. This unique whole-brain development program is co-created by Eran Katz, Vivienne Quek and Calvin Goh.

World Economic Forum Top Ten Skills for 2020 and beyond

The world is ever-changing, and so are the skills needed to excel in this world. We are pleased that while we focus on our own philosophy of a whole brain, holistic development, there are other collaborative evidence which clearly indicate that we are headed in the right direction.

World Economic Forum Top 10 Skills
World Economic Forum Top 10 Skills for 2020 and beyond https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-10-skills-you-need-to-thrive-in-the-fourth-industrial-revolution/

We the BrainXpansion team continues to strive towards creating powerful and effective curriculum to ensure that the time spent with us is of utmost relevance and edification for our students.

Our Founders

Eran Katz

Eran Katz is a best-selling international authorentertaining speaker and uniquely qualified master on Intelligence and Memory.

  • Best Selling International Author

Eran Katz is the best-selling international author of “Secrets of a Super Memory”, “Jerome Becomes a Genius”, “Where did Noah Park the Ark” and “Five Gifts for the Mind”. In Singapore, “Where did Noah Park the Ark” was also listed in the best-selling non-fiction list in Kinokuniya, Times and Popular when it was launched in 2011.  The ‘Five Gifts for the Mind’, published in 2014 was the number #1 on the Israeli best sellers list and official best seller in South Korea.  His books, including 9 international best-sellers, have sold more than 500,000 copies worldwide; translated to 17 languages and won literary prizes. The Singapore National Library also carries Eran’s “Where did Noah Park the Ark” .

  • Guinness Book of Records Holder

On top of that, he is also the Israeli Guinness Book of Records Holder for Best Memory Stunt where he recited 500 numbers forward and backwards after hearing them only once. This is one impressive technique that not many memory masters can challenge Eran.

  • Recognized Authority in Brain & Intelligence

Eran is a board member of The International Brain Education Association (IBREA) and is often invited to share his insights on brain and intelligence at conferences and seminars. This is why many governments have invited Eran to speak to their police, military and intelligence bodies.

  • International Trainer and Platform Speaker

Eran Katz has also established himself in training where he has held more than 2000 lectures with more than 250,000 people benefiting from his  teaching. Other than students in the junior and high schools, he also speaks at The Korean Brain Institute, UN Brain Education Convention, Microsoft, General Electric, Coca-Cola, Avis, Singapore Government and many more.

Summary of Eran Katz’s Achievement

  • Author of 9 books – 3 international best sellers, translated to 17 languages, more than 500,000 copies sold.
  • Winner of the Italian Adei-Wizo literary prize.
  • Journalist and Columnist – Business week
  • Founder and CEO of Smart Memory, Inc.
  • International Speaker and Trainer on memory and intelligence – 1900 workshops, more than 300,000 participants with a better memory
  • Guinness Book of Record Holder in Memory Stunts
  • Board member of IBREA (The International Brain Education Association)
  • Honorary Guest Speaker at the World Science Forum (Seoul 2009)
  • Honorary Guest Speaker at the United Nations Brain Education Convention (New York 2010)

List of Eran Katz’s Publications

  • 1999 – ‘Secrets of a Super Memory’ Modan Press ( Israel), Nanmee Books (Thailand), Golden Bough Publishing Co. (N. Korea ,) Alpha Books (Vietnam), Ufuk (Indonesia). Official best-seller in North. Korea, Israel and Vietnam.
  • 2002 – Jerome becomes a Genius – Ancient Jewish Techniques to Boost Brain Power. – Kadokawa Shoten (Japan), Editore Barbera (Italy), Nanmee Books (Thailand), Golden Bough Publishing Co., (N. Korea ) Cheers (China), Alpha Books ( Vietnam) and Modan Press ( Israel), Ufuk (Indonesia).
  • Winner of the Adei-Wizo literary prize – Milan, Italy
  • Official best seller in NorthKorea, Thailand, Israel and Vietnam
  • 2004 – ‘The Richest Man in Jerusalem’ Modan Press (Israel).
  • 2005 – ‘The Survival Package’ Eichborn Verlag (Germany) Barbera (Italy).
  • 2006 – ‘This Reminds Me of a Joke… How to Remember Jokes and Succeed with Them’ Modan Press ( Israel)
  • 2010 – ‘Where did Noah Park the Ark?’ Random House (NY, USA), Goldberg (Denmark), Cheers ( China), Verlag (Germany). Official bestseller in Singapore.
  • 2014– ‘Five Gifts for the Mind’ (Modan (Israel), Minumsa (S.Korea), Nanmee (Thailand). 20 weeks #1 on the Israeli best sellers list and official best seller in South Korea

Vivienne Quek

Vivienne is an intrepid entrepreneur and an enthusiastic proponent of on-going education. She has invested much of her time in improving herself beyond the traditional education system. Vivienne is currently leading the team of Brain Mastery trainers and is conducting classes at selected centres.

Over the years, Vivienne has launched many enrichment programs for both adults as well as students. She has successfully launched programs for working adults such as The BottomLine, Digital Marketing with PowerPoint, and Nobel Prize Brain. For the students, Vivienne has been bringing the popular Super Student Seminar by Eran Katz to Singapore since 2009.

Vivienne co-created the Brain Mastery program and is currently actively involved in curriculum development, teaching classes, customized Master Class and conducting Train The Trainer programs to further extend the reach of the series of Brain Mastery program.

Calvin Goh

Calvin has always been an enthusiastic teacher of young children. He volunteers his time teaching young children in Sunday Schools for many years.

He has also invested time and effort in attending various courses that has helped to improve his understanding of the Right Brain training methods and also learning from Eran his many Left Brain techniques.

Together with Vivienne, Calvin has conducted many training sessions for both adults and children. Calvin co-created the Brain Mastery program and is currently working closely with the team to continually enrich the learning experience for the children.


Our Trainers

We have a team of dedicated and enthusiastic trainers. They are trained to deliver the Brain Mastery program with an eye on every child to ensure that each unique child benefits fully from the program.

Two of our trainers receiving their Certificates from Eran Katz and the Co-Founders Vivienne Quek and Calvin Goh.

Brain Mastery Seminar 2025

Give Your Child the Brainpower Advantage in 3.5 Hours.

Are you concerned about your child’s learning progress? Tired of relying on traditional methods that don’t deliver? Our Brain Mastery Seminar offers practical, actionable strategies to boost your child’s cognitive skills.

Learn More! 

Register and Book your Seats Now!

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